Officers and Members of Texas Botanical Garden Society bid you
If you are interested
--- in learning more about planting and growing,
--- promoting education, and
--- in helping raise Zilker Botanical Gardens to "World-Class" level,
--- then Join Us.
We are:
- in the geographic heart of four ecosystems
- astride the Lower Colorado River
- located in the center of the capital city of Austin
- near the University of Texas (many of its botanists members)
- concerned with education & research activities
Thousands of school children from Central Texas benefit every year from
the botany programs promoted by our Austin Area Garden Council.
Texas Botanical Garden Society (TBGS) enhances the Council's efforts with
education, Zilker Gardens improvements, and via its own outreach activities.
Your TBGS membership card, when presented at many Botanical Gardens - worldwide - will entitle you to free admission and/or parking and/or discounts on purchases. |
Memberships and Affiliations
Austin Area Garden Council
American Association Of Botanical Gardens & Arboreta
American Horticultural Society
Texas Association Of Botanical Gardens
Texas Botanical Garden Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Texas Corporation
Join Us !